Toefl 经验贴








  1. 每天背诵两节,同时复习前面的四节单词。
  2. 遇到不会的就勾出来。
  3. 背的时候把单词和例句读出来,同时可以联系口语和听力。
  4. 如果能找到一个partner每天监督背诵自然更好。
  5. 每背诵十节单词把这十节不会的单词都看一遍,从而防止艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线。



  1. 大部分时间不要做笔记,直接分段即可。
    • 分段:一篇lecture通常分成好几个部分
    • 段和段之间通常会有比较明显的词汇,形如,So, However, Well等等
    • 分段之后对于听力的整体把握性更高,而且可以根据听力题目的顺序大致判断这个题目属于哪一段,蒙题准确率直线提高
  2. 不做笔记走神怎么办: 分段的时候在草稿纸上打个记号,提醒自己分段了。这样即便上个段落没有听懂,下个段落也可能听懂,不至于一是卡住全篇懵逼。
  3. 什么时候要做笔记:如果遇到列举原因,要素的时候可以适当做笔记,防止出现双选,多选题目。不做笔记也可,一般来说隔的时间短都能记下来。
  4. 做完题目之后检查一遍有无双选题目。
  5. 遇到一大段长难句抓主谓宾,如果抓不到就直接听一些能听懂的词。




Question 1

I prefer There are several reasons

One important reason is that +关键词 3-4细节

Another reason being that +关键词 3-4细节

Question 2

The school is going to/ The letter suggests that school should do sth Because A…, Also B,

The man agrees/disagrees with it. He thinks….., Also he points out that

Question 3

Xx means/原句definition

For example

Question 4

The professor mainly talks about + 题目

The first one is 关键词

For example Ns

3-4细节 Ns怎么怎么样 再用简单句

Another one is 关键词

For example Ns 3-4细节 Ns怎么怎么样 用简单句

Topic of Question 1

  1. Family
  2. Friends
  3. Communicate
  4. Relax
  5. Open up eyes
  6. Love
  7. Dream
  8. Money
  9. Time



  1. 口语第二题公告反驳题目。有的时候要总结proposal,千万不能忘记总结!
  2. 第四题的重中之重在example,前面概念阐述的时间不能花的太多。


Independent Writing

General topics

  1. Convenience
    • Save time
    • Flexible time
    • Short distance
    • Keep the schedule ahead
  2. Health
    • Enough rest
    • Balanced nutrition
    • Body Exercise
    • Away from diseases
    • Relax
  3. Security
    • Food safety
    • Physical Health safety
    • Property Safety
  4. Success
    • Sense of achievement
    • Sense of honor
    • Achieve dreams
  5. Morality
    • Honest
    • Independent
    • Diligence
    • Considerateness
  6. Price
    • Cheap
    • Cost-effective
  7. Feeling
    • Friendship
    • Family
    • Love


  1. 因果论证

    A->F A->B->C->D->E->F(抽象)一定要严谨


    举例子则在最后: A->B->C->D->E->F(具体)一定要具体

    Example: Because people in rural areas live together, they can take care of their families better. Unlike the people in urban areas, who live alone in their scanty flatlets because of the expensive price of apartments, people in rural areas can have more time to get in touch with families since they live together in a big house. Most of the time, when people have more time to spend with their family, they can know the health condition and the income condition of their families better. Therefore, they can help to solve the problems of their families once they find that their families are in trouble. For example, my uncle Jack live with his family for 30 years. Each day after work, he and his family have dinner together and chat with each other about what’s new for them. Therefore, they know each other so well that even a small disease like inflammation can be known by the family. Once the mother of my uncle had a serious stomachache, but fortunately with the help in time of my uncle and my uncle’s wife, she finally recovered without danger.

  2. 因果关系连接词:

    1. Accordingly
    2. In this case
    3. As a result
    4. Consequently
    5. Therefore
    6. Thus
    7. So
    8. Thereby

Time management


Integral Writing



The reading passage asserts that A. However, the professor refutes the passage, stating that -A.


The professor in the lecture questions the reading passage’s assertion that A. The professor puts forth the idea that -A.

Middle Paragraphs

First, according to the reading passage, the author suggests… On the contrary, the professor in the listening claims that …, because…

The professor in the lecture argues that…for the reason that… This is contrary to the claim in the reading that…

Contrary to the belief in the passage that…, the lecture claims that… The reason is that…


2 to 3 words per sentence. No need to write the whole words, just write part of them that you can know what it means.

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